Overview of innovation scorecard

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Country innovation scorecard relative to the averages of the EU28 and BalkanMed performance

Change of the performance of the composite indicators

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Comparison of innovation scorecard for two countries

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Composite Indicator Indicators Countrys Years Absolute Valuess Normalised Scoress Performance Relative To Eu In 2010s
Summary Innovation Index Summary Innovation Index BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.261934986544798 55.4520649926677
1.1 Human resources 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCES BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.223020830938642 55.6067731359727
1.1 Human resources 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.130091391017427 32.4555247187599
1.1 Human resources 1.1.2 Population aged 25-34 having completed tertiary education (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.428463855421687 117.561983471074
1.1 Human resources 1.1.3 Population aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.110507246376812 33.8888888888889
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2 ATTRACTIVE RESEARCH SYSTEMS BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.188776095581953 45.7828376784061
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.174680294599852 71.0850404239422
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.2 Scientific publications among the top 10% most cited publications worldwide (percentage of total scientific publications of the country) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.289714899385275 49.2544488377854
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students (percentage of all doctorate students) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.101933092760733 36.4882594667336
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3 INNOVATION-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.130834369501156 44.626999324473
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.1 Broadband penetration BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.103658536585366 42.5
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.2 Opportunity-driven entrepreneurship BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.153769700783571 42.3769182202366
2.1 Finance and support 2.1 FINANCE AND SUPPORT BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.203113715056706 40.5466631754969
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.171520030712253 27.8397844732791
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.2 Venture capital (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.244932118702322 66.7644513836185
2.2 Firm investments 2.2 FIRM INVESTMENTS BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.335933388927728 77.3374516081432
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.0473144890373109 9.63390941838346
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditures (percentage of turnover) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.574122041382236 143.645309939414
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.3 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel (percentage of all enterprises) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.386363636363636 98.0769230769231
3.1 Innovators 3.1 INNOVATORS BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.396353619003221 67.9929577129877
3.1 Innovators 3.1.1 SMEs introducing product or process innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.402873918228607 71.0635112507006
3.1 Innovators 3.1.2 SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.42918542373786 70.1454078435869
3.1 Innovators 3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-house (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.352629002805743 59.945468349991
3.2 Linkages 3.2 LINKAGES BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.258840323834376 61.4186937416151
3.2 Linkages 3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.455895415709035 120.851141667042
3.2 Linkages 3.2.2 Public-private co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.0801810952683985 29.4497208795922
3.2 Linkages 3.2.3 Private co-funding of public R&D expenditures (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.320592614034261 49.2605327309996
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3 INTELLECTUAL ASSETS BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.231037443408559 44.6773629809099
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.1 PCT patent applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.152220023699034 21.9783527708563
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.2 Trademark applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.39327449148887 98.5002184997529
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.3 Design applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.147617815037773 29.5162375121959
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1 EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.294098888925194 61.9023002528958
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.257978723404255 65.5405405405405
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.2 Employment in fast-growing enterprises (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.413696327913993 84.7322925725818
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2 SALES IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.321117346959209 50.5012430088238
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.1 Exports of medium and high technology products as a share of total product exports BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.218727120907113 32.6905329740096
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports as percentage of total services exports BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.391004735160496 59.6205089785804
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovations as percentage of turnover BalkanMed Countries 2012 0.353620184810016 55.6949479005958
Summary Innovation Index Summary Innovation Index BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.271536274390565 57.4846733305603
1.1 Human resources 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCES BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.226040154610139 56.3595945012165
1.1 Human resources 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.130091391017427 32.4555247187599
1.1 Human resources 1.1.2 Population aged 25-34 having completed tertiary education (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.428463855421687 117.561983471074
1.1 Human resources 1.1.3 Population aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.119565217391304 36.6666666666667
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2 ATTRACTIVE RESEARCH SYSTEMS BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.206452678619776 50.0698430295586
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.188497985335616 76.7080622236668
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.2 Scientific publications among the top 10% most cited publications worldwide (percentage of total scientific publications of the country) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.323782741332179 55.0463248570994
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students (percentage of all doctorate students) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.107077309191534 38.3296977945267
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3 INNOVATION-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.130834369501156 44.626999324473
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.1 Broadband penetration BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.103658536585366 42.5
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.2 Opportunity-driven entrepreneurship BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.153769700783571 42.3769182202366
2.1 Finance and support 2.1 FINANCE AND SUPPORT BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.172607742868761 34.4568952895598
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.179350526173163 29.1107690052049
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.2 Venture capital (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.146465294835492 39.9240210236212
2.2 Firm investments 2.2 FIRM INVESTMENTS BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.339259632459112 78.1032081736528
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.0572932196314628 11.6657222649452
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditures (percentage of turnover) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.574122041382236 143.645309939414
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.3 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel (percentage of all enterprises) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.386363636363636 98.0769230769231
3.1 Innovators 3.1 INNOVATORS BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.396353619003221 67.9929577129877
3.1 Innovators 3.1.1 SMEs introducing product or process innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.402873918228607 71.0635112507006
3.1 Innovators 3.1.2 SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.42918542373786 70.1454078435869
3.1 Innovators 3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-house (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.352629002805743 59.945468349991
3.2 Linkages 3.2 LINKAGES BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.254404531110089 60.3661506494167
3.2 Linkages 3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.455895415709035 120.851141667042
3.2 Linkages 3.2.2 Public-private co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.0695666287790989 25.5511326357015
3.2 Linkages 3.2.3 Private co-funding of public R&D expenditures (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.317002065122845 48.7088283422199
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3 INTELLECTUAL ASSETS BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.292000594833969 56.4662436251472
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.1 PCT patent applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.211713001490156 30.5682716363747
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.2 Trademark applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.411734829646843 103.123827153484
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.3 Design applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.252553953364909 50.4982577492781
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1 EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.310721229350726 65.4009911581472
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.293882978723404 74.6621621621621
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.2 Employment in fast-growing enterprises (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.413696327913993 84.7322925725818
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2 SALES IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.334150836991554 52.5509841816674
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.1 Exports of medium and high technology products as a share of total product exports BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.281823268917235 42.1207613723153
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports as percentage of total services exports BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.367009057247411 55.961641446255
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovations as percentage of turnover BalkanMed Countries 2013 0.353620184810016 55.6949479005958
Summary Innovation Index Summary Innovation Index BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.266008915555575 56.3145224263274
1.1 Human resources 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCES BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.223926628040091 55.8326195455458
1.1 Human resources 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.130091391017427 32.4555247187599
1.1 Human resources 1.1.2 Population aged 25-34 having completed tertiary education (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.428463855421687 117.561983471074
1.1 Human resources 1.1.3 Population aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.113224637681159 34.7222222222222
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2 ATTRACTIVE RESEARCH SYSTEMS BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.18712604070952 45.3826588625863
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.192943796554781 78.5172569640097
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.2 Scientific publications among the top 10% most cited publications worldwide (percentage of total scientific publications of the country) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.274813009487996 46.7209775696898
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students (percentage of all doctorate students) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.0936213160857829 33.5129522752112
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3 INNOVATION-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.132020845300197 45.0317007411129
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.1 Broadband penetration BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.103658536585366 42.5
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.2 Opportunity-driven entrepreneurship BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.156933636247679 43.2488574497039
2.1 Finance and support 2.1 FINANCE AND SUPPORT BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.19573368197514 39.0734208811558
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.216182647576894 35.0890697162965
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.2 Venture capital (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.1550805537373 42.2723983501819
2.2 Firm investments 2.2 FIRM INVESTMENTS BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.290151703641423 66.7977464550761
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.065066491740712 13.2484720929291
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditures (percentage of turnover) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.487206801001738 121.899120552822
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.3 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel (percentage of all enterprises) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.318181818181818 80.7692307692308
3.1 Innovators 3.1 INNOVATORS BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.382235726559775 65.5710868939
3.1 Innovators 3.1.1 SMEs introducing product or process innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.365479083825437 64.4673824990254
3.1 Innovators 3.1.2 SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.428776097936443 70.0785082619767
3.1 Innovators 3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-house (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.346562979971407 58.9142696200717
3.2 Linkages 3.2 LINKAGES BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.224582268896713 53.289801947514
3.2 Linkages 3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.372507697540163 98.7462891186903
3.2 Linkages 3.2.2 Public-private co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.0784327225375704 28.807560919766
3.2 Linkages 3.2.3 Private co-funding of public R&D expenditures (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.297075182149876 45.6469709320806
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3 INTELLECTUAL ASSETS BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.326866161422274 63.2084476203939
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.1 PCT patent applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.205663284651071 29.6947807011999
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.2 Trademark applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.440952114807192 110.441639609026
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.3 Design applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.333983084808559 66.780043138715
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1 EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.305402080414556 64.2814100684667
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.293882978723404 74.6621621621622
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.2 Employment in fast-growing enterprises (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.413696327913993 84.7322925725818
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2 SALES IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.349177715653282 54.9142201081787
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.1 Exports of medium and high technology products as a share of total product exports BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.435120097805378 65.0322092933398
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports as percentage of total services exports BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.353002498480276 53.8259175338778
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovations as percentage of turnover BalkanMed Countries 2014 0.259410550674192 40.8569921211543
Summary Innovation Index Summary Innovation Index BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.27341394504557 57.8821792787715
1.1 Human resources 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCES BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.235218171023619 58.6479900488191
1.1 Human resources 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.130091391017427 32.4555247187599
1.1 Human resources 1.1.2 Population aged 25-34 having completed tertiary education (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.466867469879518 128.099173553719
1.1 Human resources 1.1.3 Population aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.108695652173913 33.3333333333333
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2 ATTRACTIVE RESEARCH SYSTEMS BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.198187729960967 48.065390073266
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.2093766975009 85.204522008492
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.2 Scientific publications among the top 10% most cited publications worldwide (percentage of total scientific publications of the country) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.322112755429856 54.7624104455164
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students (percentage of all doctorate students) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.0630737369521464 22.5780540658037
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3 INNOVATION-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.139245929439926 47.496143580195
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.1 Broadband penetration BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.121951219512195 50
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.2 Opportunity-driven entrepreneurship BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.143680202083705 39.5963843497235
2.1 Finance and support 2.1 FINANCE AND SUPPORT BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.19413874836365 38.7550315694624
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.216823427126146 35.1930760208196
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.2 Venture capital (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.156646165035553 42.6991581396357
2.2 Firm investments 2.2 FIRM INVESTMENTS BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.28574473214339 65.7831883426616
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.0821486075496452 16.7266361759825
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditures (percentage of turnover) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.487206801001738 121.899120552822
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.3 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel (percentage of all enterprises) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.287878787878788 73.0769230769231
3.1 Innovators 3.1 INNOVATORS BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.382235726559775 65.5710868939
3.1 Innovators 3.1.1 SMEs introducing product or process innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.365479083825437 64.4673824990254
3.1 Innovators 3.1.2 SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.428776097936443 70.0785082619767
3.1 Innovators 3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-house (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.346562979971407 58.9142696200717
3.2 Linkages 3.2 LINKAGES BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.222574719520803 52.813442397102
3.2 Linkages 3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.372507697540163 98.7462891186903
3.2 Linkages 3.2.2 Public-private co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.0876402388263295 32.1893903122253
3.2 Linkages 3.2.3 Private co-funding of public R&D expenditures (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.276768296261222 42.5267243225444
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3 INTELLECTUAL ASSETS BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.343087457093734 66.3452755909705
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.1 PCT patent applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.246213250471324 35.5496047380545
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.2 Trademark applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.444912356852991 111.43352877363
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.3 Design applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.338136763956887 67.6105728431421
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1 EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.309258449786968 65.0931034946118
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.296542553191489 75.3378378378379
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.2 Employment in fast-growing enterprises (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.41866083063759 85.7491101483486
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2 SALES IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.374263461887006 58.8593865048354
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.1 Exports of medium and high technology products as a share of total product exports BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.489992469430544 73.2333279590785
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports as percentage of total services exports BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.373387365556283 56.9342076420101
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovations as percentage of turnover BalkanMed Countries 2015 0.259410550674192 40.8569921211543
Summary Innovation Index Summary Innovation Index BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.277562836086455 58.76050629679
1.1 Human resources 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCES BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.253962707631895 63.3216485152881
1.1 Human resources 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.150485992635515 37.543620800817
1.1 Human resources 1.1.2 Population aged 25-34 having completed tertiary education (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.504518072289157 138.429752066116
1.1 Human resources 1.1.3 Population aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.106884057971014 32.7777777777778
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2 ATTRACTIVE RESEARCH SYSTEMS BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.218352570993949 52.9558590755929
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.234671521313154 95.4980904807091
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.2 Scientific publications among the top 10% most cited publications worldwide (percentage of total scientific publications of the country) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.320431088709842 54.4765101773601
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students (percentage of all doctorate students) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.0999551029588501 35.7802126179729
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3 INNOVATION-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.170809646469123 58.2623817170889
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.1 Broadband penetration BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.158536585365854 65
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3.2 Opportunity-driven entrepreneurship BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.154679382454246 42.6276145899909
2.1 Finance and support 2.1 FINANCE AND SUPPORT BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.217532160994251 43.4249516789616
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.1 R&D expenditure in the public sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.23823731990425 38.6688109376145
2.1 Finance and support 2.1.2 Venture capital (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.1807436672928 49.2677393712215
2.2 Firm investments 2.2 FIRM INVESTMENTS BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.2877716963974 66.2498292157413
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.1 R&D expenditure in the business sector (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.106486174886199 21.6821143805399
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.2 Non-R&D innovation expenditures (percentage of turnover) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.438647096124182 109.749484491281
2.2 Firm investments 2.2.3 Enterprises providing training to develop or upgrade ICT skills of their personnel (percentage of all enterprises) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.318181818181818 80.7692307692308
3.1 Innovators 3.1 INNOVATORS BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.391498217502451 67.1600320297262
3.1 Innovators 3.1.1 SMEs introducing product or process innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.413942282922674 73.0158760561019
3.1 Innovators 3.1.2 SMEs introducing marketing or organisational innovations (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.364505664372712 59.5742471075586
3.1 Innovators 3.1.3 SMEs innovating in-house (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.404689256364103 68.7954955943308
3.2 Linkages 3.2 LINKAGES BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.219419012675565 52.064643332896
3.2 Linkages 3.2.1 Innovative SMEs collaborating with others (percentage of SMEs) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.36696562978238 97.2771688059044
3.2 Linkages 3.2.2 Public-private co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.0953307450314711 35.0140369500152
3.2 Linkages 3.2.3 Private co-funding of public R&D expenditures (percentage of GDP) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.261280884283792 40.1470120920215
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3 INTELLECTUAL ASSETS BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.346004450185375 66.9093554095721
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.1 PCT patent applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.250616748248008 36.185405634742
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.2 Trademark applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.454037049775836 113.718915357542
3.3 Intellectual assets 3.3.3 Design applications per billion GDP (in PPS) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.333359552532282 66.6553676260852
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1 EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.303962843024588 63.9784775909774
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.1 Employment in knowledge-intensive activities (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.289893617021277 73.6486486486486
4.1 Employment impacts 4.1.2 Employment in fast-growing enterprises (percentage of total employment) BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.413404460831526 84.6725130547199
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2 SALES IMPACTS BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.332014161202012 52.214955049948
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.1 Exports of medium and high technology products as a share of total product exports BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.461748197973917 69.0119937068352
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.2 Knowledge-intensive services exports as percentage of total services exports BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.350372165715971 53.4248436744357
4.2 Sales impacts 4.2.3 Sales of new-to-market and new-to-firm innovations as percentage of turnover BalkanMed Countries 2016 0.18392211991615 28.9676136332559
Summary Innovation Index Summary Innovation Index BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.287706251934782 60.9078840193644
1.1 Human resources 1.1 HUMAN RESOURCES BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.277674153743188 69.2337285621929
1.1 Human resources 1.1.1 New doctorate graduates per 1000 population aged 25-34 BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.188324102577564 46.9835668489826
1.1 Human resources 1.1.2 Population aged 25-34 having completed tertiary education (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.532379518072289 146.074380165289
1.1 Human resources 1.1.3 Population aged 25-64 involved in lifelong learning (percentage share) BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.11231884057971 34.4444444444444
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2 ATTRACTIVE RESEARCH SYSTEMS BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.257884480662069 62.5433176882605
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.1 International scientific co-publications per million population BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.256767267030162 104.489814367417
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.2 Scientific publications among the top 10% most cited publications worldwide (percentage of total scientific publications of the country) BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.301263231897273 51.2177815972703
1.2 Attractive research systems 1.2.3 Foreign doctorate students (percentage of all doctorate students) BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.21562294305877 77.1850012613365
1.3 Innovation-friendly environment 1.3 INNOVATION-FRIENDLY ENVIRONMENT BalkanMed Countries 2017 0.191886268891713 65.4515203066001

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