Know how to identify, approach and solicitate Partners for your Innovation activities.

InnoPartners are the external knowledge and technology providers which fit the development and innovation activities of SMEs.
The sources of knowledge and technology cover:
Market Sources | Clients or consumers | Market and supplier research |
Suppliers | ||
Service firms | ||
Competitors | Competitor intellegence and colaboration through complimentary resources at the level of R&D and technology | |
Institutional sources | Universities | Capture knowledge from transfer technologies related to research activities, that can distribute directly in a cooperative mode or via publications and conferences |
Other Higher Education | ||
Research Bodies | ||
Experts/Researchers/Innovators | ||
Government | Public sector agencies usually tend to act as strategic partners and intermediates, to assist collaboration between other various partners | |
Regional Authorities | ||
Other Open Sources | Business Associations | To identify problems or find common areas of interest in order to incite the sharing of ideas and information |
Professional conferences and trade fairs |
For identifying and locating potential InnoPartners (knowledge and technology providers) in the BalkanMed region please search our InnoRegion/MarketPlace
For identifying networking events and conferences please search our InnoRegion/Networking Events
For identifying patent holders of technology and solutions required for your innovation activities please search WIPO and EUIPO databases.
Identification of Knowledge and Technology Sources
Type of activities | ||
Internal Knowledge and Technology Sources Applicable for Large Companies |
self-sufficient innovation activities Transfer of information and knowledge through the interaction of departments |
R&D, production, marketing, organization departments others |
External knowledge and technology sources Applicable for SME |
Partnership and interactions | close geographic proximity (locally-regionally) within in the country (nationally) elsewhere (internationally) |
partnerships with public, semi-public, and private institutions | ||
interaction between the manufacturer and end users | ||
suppliers, providing feedback on the organization of production, logistics and other functions | ||
inter-firm cooperation extends far beyond the relationships that develop between supply chain partners and even competitors | ||
Exploring available sources of information | ||
regular searches in patent databases | ||
identification of “white spots” in the patent landscape | ||
monitoring of competitors |
Supporting Documents

Gudelines on how to use the InnoPartner tool

Memorandum for Cooperation
A template of a Memorandum for Collaboration with a University or Research Institute. This document sets out the terms and conditions to which the Parties are willing to enter into collaboration

A template for the Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement whereas, for the purpose of facilitating a business relationship the parties gain access to proprietary and confidential information belonging to the other.
Explore Knowledge and Technology providers