The five InnoTools are as follows:

InnoModelInnoModel is knowledge derived from the Business Canvas model. The main aim of the InnoModel is to provide a snapshot of the current business model of SMEs and start-ups as a reflection of their strategic approach, i.e. business strategy. |
InnoStrategyInnoStrategy, is a know-how on how to methodologically connect the critical elements of SMEs development strategy, the technological plan, and the plan for positioning of new product/service at markets. The main aim of InnoStrategy is to provide a systematic approach towards the development of innovations, creating a good base for every individual innovation project the SME plans to undertake in the near future. |
InnoPartnerInnoPartner, is a know-how on how to identify, approach and solicitate Partners for Innovation activities deriving from SME’s technological strategy and identified needs in the process of developing and launching new products and services. The main of the InnoPartner is to provide a systematic approach in the acquisition of new technology and knowledge required for the innovation projects of SMEs. |
InnoFinInnoFin, is a know-how on how to approach the financial evaluation and assessment of the company given its business model, and to assess and evaluate its potential innovation projects. The main aim of InnoFin is to provide a systematic approach in deciding which projects should be pursued given company’s development goals. |
InnoProjectInnoProject, is a know-how on how to successfully introduce new products/services at the market. The focus of InnoProject is on single new product/service; therefore, the tool reflects the knowledge from the new product development processes adjusted to the context and size of SMEs.. |