On 24-th September (Monday) in the premises of the EU Info Centre in Skopje, the 1st event - Infoday “Train the Trainer" focused on increasing the innovation capacity of the companies was held.

The Infoday was organized within the EU InnoPlatform Project by the Center for Knowledge Management as an informative day for the managers of small and medium enterprises responsible for the development of new products and services, business consultants, as well as representatives of organizations that support the competitiveness of enterprises (accelerators, incubators, chambers of commerce, etc.), as well as other governmental and non-governmental institutions.

The main goals of the Infoday were:

  • To raise the awareness about the need for innovation in small and medium enterprises in Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia,
  • To present the innovator profiles in the country and the region, their practices and performance, - findings obtained from the research conducted within the InnoPlatform Project,
  • To strengthen the knowledge and skills of owners and managers, as well as consultants for successful introduction of innovations in enterprises through the use of five InnoTools developed within the project: InnoModel, InnoStrategy, InnoPartners, InnoFinance and InnoProject.
The Infoday covered more than 25 participants, and at the same time was broadcast live on the  channel of the InnoPlatform Project.

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