- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 2789
Final INNOPLATFORM Conference at the International Technology Fair in Thessaloniki!
TOPIC: Supporting Innovations in the Balkan Mediterranean Area
DATE: September 10, 2019
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 3739
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 4613
InterimTransnational Conference of the Project "InnoPlatform" was organised in Skopje, on October, 15-th 2018.
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- Посети: 3911
Dr. Andrijana Bogdanovska, Director of Center for Knowledge Management on October 10th, 2018 in Brussels, Belgium, presented the Innoplatform project at the European Week of Regions and Cities.
Innoplatform, project financed by the Interreg BalkanMed Program of the European Union, was among the 12 projects (each from one Interreg program), which was presented at the event. Innoplatform, is a transnational project aiming at improving the competitiveness of the Balkan Mediterranean region, by a set of tools (InnoTools) and services (InnoScorecard and InnoRegion).
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 3808
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 31402
On 3rd and 4th of July 2018, the fourth transnational meeting of the Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean InnoPlatform project’s partners took place at the premises of the Burgas Free University in Bulgaria.
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 4385
InnoPlatform project was presented at International Scientific Conference “Blue Economy and Blue Development” at Burgas Free University, Burgas, Bulgaria. It was held on June 1 and 2, 2018 and in its focus were the economic, regulatory, technological and societal aspects of the development of the maritime and the water spaces. The paper was entitled “FOSTERING THE INNOVATION CAPACITY OF SMES BY ESTABLISHING A CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE AND DEVELOPMENT OF RELATED TOOLS” by authors Assoc. Prof. Vesselina Zhecheva,PhD, Prof. Angel Toshkov,PhD, Assoc. Prof. Engeniya Nikolova, PhD, and Gergana Kirova from Burgas Free University.
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 4409
The project was presented at European Maritime Day exhibition, organised in parallel with the two-day EMD conference. It was an ideal place for stakeholders to meet, exchange experience and discuss the latest developments, showcase innovative ideas, products and services related to the themes of the conference.
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 26028
Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” (CTI), successfully organized an Analytical information session with the Media Representatives on April 25, 2018 in Patras, in the framework of the presentation of the project "Innovations Platform and Tools for increasing innovation capacity of SMEs in the Balkan Mediterranean Area - INNOPLATFORM", which is co-funded by the Program INTERREG VB BALKAN - MEDITERRANEAN 2014-2020.
- Детали
- Напишано од Aleksandar Gjurovic
- Посети: 6054
On 29-30 March 2018, the third transnational meeting of the InterregBalkan-Mediterranean InnoPlatform project partners took place at the premises of the UETCentre of the European University in Tirana, Albania.