EN - Open Call for SMEs

Welcome to the application form of InnoPlatform's Project
Open Call for SMEs
InnoPlatform Project supports the cooperation between SMEs with Universities / Research Institutes and enterprises in introducing new products or services. Within the framework of this open call each enterprise will have the support of the Centers of Excellence in each of the participating regions and also to exploit a selection of business tools (InnoTools):
InnoModel: the knowledge derived from the Business Canvas model with an aim to provide a snapshot of the current business model used as a reflection of the strategical approach
InnoStrategy: a know-how on how to methodologically connect the critical elements of SMEsdevelopment strategy, the technological plan and the plan for positioning of new products or services in the market
InnoPartner: a know-how on how to identify, approach and solicitate partners for innovation activities deriving from SMEs technological strategy and identified needs in the process of developing and launching new products and services
InnoFinance: a know-how on how to approach the financial evaluation and assessment of the company given its business model, and to assess and evaluate its potential innovation projects
InnoProject: a know-how on how to successfully introduce new products or services at the market, reflecting the knowledge from the new product development processes adjusted to the context of the enterprise
Skopje Region
Center for Knowledge Management
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Western Greece Region
Computer Technology Institute and Press
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Tirana Region
UET Centre
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South - Eastern Region of Bulgaria
Burgas Free University
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Cyprus Region
Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry
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Northern Greece Region
Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece
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